Top 7 reasons to use our platform

Flexibility with security. We explore the key reasons for choosing our platform.

1. Group strength

Being part of IFGL means that when you choose the Ardan wealth management platform, you can enjoy the reassurance and security of being part of a Group that has 214,000 customers, USD27 billion assets under administration and employs more than 610 staff (as at 31 December 2024).

2. Our platform is multi-currency

Your portfolio(s) can hold cash in up to 11 currencies at the same time and portfolios can hold assets on the same basis. Portfolios can trade assets in multiple currencies, you can move monies between currency accounts and change the reporting currency at any time without cost. You have the flexibility to change the base currency at any time.

We also offer an easy to use online FX facility with very competitive rates.

3. Single access to multiple portfolios

Our platform is suitable whether you are an individual, trustee or corporate entity. Each can hold multiple portfolios. You can hold everything in one place, under one platform login, which means it is easy to get a bird’s eye view of your wealth.

4. Asset availability

Our platform is fully open architecture, so you can hold funds (institutional and retail), ETFs, equities (on major exchanges) and structured notes and fixed term deposit and notice accounts with Lloyds Bank International..

We offer in-house and external (DFM) Model Portfolios and clients can hold these models alongside other assets at the same time.

5. Safeguarding your money

Your investments and monies are safeguarded by us in line with best global practice and the stringent rules and guidelines of the Isle of Man Financial Services Authority.

6. Simple charging structure

Our charges are transparent and competitive. Our online technology increases efficiency and lowers the cost of managing a portfolio.

7. Free beneficiary trust

We feel it’s imperative for an offshore platform to have a Beneficiary Trust available in order to avoid the complex and timely process of probate and distribution of assets on death. Also, no assets are sold in the event of death allowing one portfolio to be easily split up into multiple portfolios for each beneficiary.